San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

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Nuclear Power Plant News
    • Tue, May 1 2012

    Navy Prepares for Calif. Electricity Shortage in Case of Summer Heat, Extended SONGS Outage

    With worn steam generator tubes keeping both San Onofre reactors offline, and with state regulators raising the possibility of summer blackouts, the Navy is working on an agreement to cut back on its power usage in exchange for lower electric rates.
    • Mon, Apr 23 2012

    SCE Completes Inspections on San Onofre Unit 2

    Southern California Edison has completed additional inspections on its Unit 2 steam generators at San Onofre, according to a SCE release Friday. On April 11, SCE identified wear in two of the 19,454 tubes in the Unit 2 generators that was similar to the type of wear that was previously seen in Unit 3 .
    • Fri, Apr 13 2012

    Edison: Tube Wear Similar in Both SONGS Units

    Premature wear of steam generator tubes at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station unit 2 appears to be more similar to tube wear in unit 3 than originally thought. Both reactors are offline following the discovery of about 300 thinning tubes in their steam generators replaced in 2009 and 2010.
    • Thu, Apr 5 2012

    NRC Head Schedules Steam Generator Meeting at San Onofre Nuclear Plant

    The head of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has said he will visit the San Onofre nuclear plant personally as Southern California Edison grapples with tube wear in relatively new steam generators at both SONGS units. The planned visit, reported Wednesday, follows a confirmatory action letter from the NRC last week that outlined conditions the utility must meet before the Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactors...
    • Wed, Mar 28 2012

    SCE Commits to Repairs of SONGS Steam Generators

    The NRC has issued a Confirmatory Action Letter (attached below) documenting actions that Southern California Edison Co. (SCE) officials have agreed to take related to unusual wear on steam generator tubes prior to restarting both units of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS). “This Confirmatory Action Letter formalizes commitments that Southern California Edison has made to ensure that the cause...
    • Fri, Mar 16 2012

    SONGS Steam Generator Test Failure Prompts NRC Inspection

    Three thinning steam generator tubes in San Onofre unit 3 failed during recent in-situ tests, resulting in further scrutiny from federal regulators. Southern California Edison tested 129 tubes showing signs of premature wear, according to a company release.
    • Mon, Feb 6 2012

    Worker OK After Falling Into SONGS Reactor Pool

    A worker fell into the cooling water of San Onofre unit 2 during a recent reactor pressure vessel head replacement, prompting a review of safety procedures at the California nuclear plant . A Southern California Edison spokesman on Thursday told the North County Times the veteran contractor employee lost his balance retrieving a flashlight on Jan. 27. He was uninjured and had been wearing safety equipment...
    • Fri, Feb 3 2012

    Extensive Wear Found in Recently Replaced SONGS Steam Generator

    Just two years after it was replaced, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has reported significant wear in a steam generator at California’s San Onofre Nuclear Plant. Earlier in the week, San Onofre unit 3 was taken out of service because of a leaking steam generator tube that resulted in a small release of radioactive steam into an auxiliary building. On Thursday initial reports from NRC inspectors...
    • Wed, Feb 1 2012

    SONGS Unit 3 Enters Forced Outage for Steam Generator Issue

    Southern California Edison (SCE), operator of the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS), took steps yesterday for a precautionary shutdown of Unit 3. Sensors that detect possible leaks indicated a leak in one of the unit's steam generator tubes.
    • Tue, Nov 29 2011

    Ballot Initiative Would Close California’s Nuclear Plants, Cause Rolling Blackouts

    Should it attract enough signatures by mid-April to be placed on the ballot in California, an initiative could effectively shutter the San Onofre and Diablo Canyon nuclear plants. A state law passed in 1976, while exempting the plants now operating, placed a moratorium on power reactor construction in California until the federal government identifies a permanent solution for spent nuclear fuel disposal...
    • Tue, Nov 8 2011

    San Onofre Nuclear Plant Owners Complete $90 Million Coastal Mitigation Project

    The co-owners of California’s San Onofre nuclear plant dedicated a $90 million wetlands restoration Monday. The 150-acre project created an estuary that will significantly expand bird and fish populations . It also creates space for outdoor recreation and migratory waterfowl.
    • Thu, Nov 3 2011

    Alert Declared, Canceled Following Ammonia Leak at San Onofre Nuclear Plant

    For a little more than three hours, Southern California Edison declared an alert at its San Onofre Nuclear Plant Tuesday after a valve in an ammonia tank leaked. According to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission event report, the plant entered alert status at 2:50 p.m., local time, when the leak prevented personnel from entering certain parts of the facility.
    • Mon, Sep 12 2011

    Reactors Trip at San Onofre Nuclear Plant Amid Southwest Blackouts

    A grid disturbance that led to widespread blackouts across Southern California, southwest Arizona and Baja Mexico caused both reactors at the San Onofre nuclear plant to shut down automatically Thursday. According to a Nuclear Regulatory Commission incident report, units 2 and 3 remained connected to off-site power after reactor safety systems tripped at 3:38 p.m., PST.
    • Tue, Feb 22 2011

    San Onofre Unit 3 Back Online After Steam Generator Replacements

    Southern California’s San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station completed the replacement of two steam generators in its Unit 3 reactor and resumed operation Friday. Repairs began in early October, according to CNBC. They follow similar steam generator replacement at San Onofre Unit 2 last year that took nearly seven months. A Southern California Edison spokesman quoted in the San Diego Union Tribune pegged the...
    • Tue, Dec 14 2010

    Reactor Heads are Delivered To San Onofre Nuclear Plant

    San Onofre Nuclear Plant is in the midst of three major upgrades worth nearly $1 billion, and on Monday, two 140 ton reactor heads were delivered. The 16-foot-wide replacement heads, at a total cost of about $200 million, seem small compared to the four 640-ton steam generators also being replaced at the plant.
    • Mon, Nov 8 2010

    Southern California Edison Elects Dietrich Senior Vice President and Chief Nuclear Officer

    The Southern California Edison (SCE) Board of Directors has elected Peter (Pete) Dietrich senior vice president and chief nuclear officer, effective Dec. 9. In his new role, Dietrich will be responsible for all operational, engineering and regulatory aspects of the utility's nuclear power program. He succeeds Joe Sheppard, who was serving as interim chief nuclear officer following the departure of Ross Ridenoure,...
    • Thu, Oct 7 2010

    San Onofre Steam Generator Replacement Project

    Status Update - Workers will begin cutting into the unit 3 reactor at the San Onofre nuclear plant this month to replace a pair of 640-ton steam generators, the final act in a project that has spanned a decade.
    • Tue, Apr 6 2010

    San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Unharmed By Powerful Earthquake

    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) measured the quake at 7.2 magnitude, correcting its previous measurement of 6.9 magnitude. The quake struck in Baja California, Mexico, southeast of Mexicali, at 5:40 p.m. (2240 GMT), according to the USGS - By Chris Smith - The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in Southern California remained intact after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake shook the region on Sunday, authorities...
    • Mon, Mar 22 2010

    NRC Will Discuss Efforts To Improve Performance San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station

    "The NRC continually reviews the performance of San Onofre and the nation's other commercial nuclear power facilities," said NRC Region IV Administrator Elmo Collins - Source NRC - The Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff will hold a public meeting in Dana Point, Calif., on March 24, to discuss the agency's assessment of safety performance for last year at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station...
    • Thu, Sep 3 2009

    Shaw Gets Nuclear Power Maintenance Contract by Southern California Edison

    Shaw will provide routine maintenance/modifications, refueling maintenance/modifications and facilities services - By Stephen Heiser - The Shaw Group Inc. has announced it has been awarded a new three-year contract with Southern California Edison, an Edison International (NYSE: EIX) company, to provide nuclear maintenance services to San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) in northern San Diego County, Calif...
    • Mon, Aug 31 2009

    SCE Ends Contract With Bechtel

    Shaw Group will take over the contract - By April Murelio - According to a report in Union Tribune, Southern California Edison, has terminated its long-standing maintenance San Onofre contract with Bechtel a month before it plans to undertake one of the largest construction jobs in the plant's history. The Shaw Group will take over the contract. Nuclear power plant maintenance entails knowledge of systems...
    • Wed, Jul 1 2009

    NRC Summary Of Conference Regarding San Onofre Replacement Steam Generator Cracking

    FORT CALHOUN STATION, UNIT NO.1 -SUMMARY OF CONFERENCE CALL REGARDING ISSUES RELATED TO THE CRACKING OF REPLACEMENT STEAM GENERATORS FOR SAN ONOFRE NUCLEAR GENERATING STATION, UNIT 3 - Edited by Linton Levy - Dear Mr. Bannister: On May 21,2009, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) staff participated in a conference call with Omaha Public Power District (OPPD, the licensee) representatives regarding the licensee's...
    • Thu, Feb 26 2009

    MHI Delivers Steam Generators To San Onofre

    Two replacement steam generators are among the world's largest SGs: 7-meter diameter, 580-metric ton Weight -- Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. (MHI) has completed the delivery of two replacement steam generators (RSGs) for the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Unit 2 of Southern California Edison (SCE), California's largest electric utility. The RSGs delivered are among the world's largest...