VDC Research Group - N Stamp Project

VDC Research estimates that there are and will be big changes in the supply and demand side for N-Stamp and other similar mission critical instrumentation, components, and services withing the nuclear power industry. We see new modular technologies making inroads and, at the same time there are business activities such as mergers and acquisitions making things very interesting. Nuclear power is becoming more accepted particularly in comparison to oil and coal fired generating facilities. This is leading to many market opportunities as operators are extending licenses and upgrading equipment for more efficiency and even safer operation.

This leads us to ask several questions. What kinds of products and services are operators looking for and value the most? Which suppliers are being the most successful meeting these market demands? Our latest project intends to answer these questions and even more. Are you interested?

We are looking to interview both N-Stamp and similar suppliers to the nuclear community as well as engineers, service and supply line members of the end user community to help us answer the questions posed above. In exchange, we will offer all participants a top level executive summary of our findings. We will not ask for any company confidential or security sensitive questions. The identity of any participants will be kept confidential and will not be revealed to 3rd parties including their own company or the sponsors of this report. In addition, we are offering compensation ($100 US) in return for end user and supply line telephone interviews which should not be expected 1/2 hour.

If you are interested in participating, please send me an e-mail at: dlaing@vdcresearch.com or give me a call at (508) 653-9000 x146.

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