Georgia Power Touts 13-Hour Concrete Pour

Georgia Power on Thursday announced the latest construction milestone at the Vogtle nuclear expansion near Waynesboro, Georgia, calling attention to a 13-plus hour continuous concrete placement for the Unit 4 "turbine tabletop."

Vogtle February 2018The turbine tabletop is 10 feet thick and comprised of approximately 2,400 cubic yards, or 250 individual concrete trucks, of self-consolidating concrete.  The tabletop serves as a pedestal for the Unit 4 generator and turbines and is designed to support the weight of the heavy components. With this milestone, more than 550,000 total cubic yards of concrete have been placed at the construction site to date.

Georgia Power recently filed the 18th Vogtle Construction Monitoring (VCM) Report with the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) highlighting additional progress at the site through the end of 2017. Recent major progress includes 1,300 cubic yards of concrete placed inside the Unit 4 containment vessel in a continuous, 21-hour placement inDecember 2017. Additionally, in November 2017, the last of the "Big 6" modules for the project was placed – the Unit 4 CA02 module, which will make up the in-containment refueling water storage tank.

This continued progress has been achieved with Southern Nuclear, the nuclear operating subsidiary which operates the existing Vogtle units, as the project manager at the site with global construction firm Bechtel managing daily construction efforts. Southern Nuclear assumed overall project management in 2017 following the bankruptcy of former primary Vogtle contractor Westinghouse. According to the 18th VCM Report, productivity has improved at the site and direct construction work is currently tracking ahead of the plan to achieve the target in-service dates of November 2021(Unit 3) and November 2022 (Unit 4).

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