Darlington Unit 2 Ready To Return To Service

Unit 2 at the Ontario Power Generation's Darlington Nuclear Generating station is ready to return to commercial service after a three-year refurbishment program, the company said.

Darlington NPPUnit 2 is the first of four refurbishment projects slated for the power plant. At this point, the reactor has been rebuilt and the containment vessel "restored," according to OPG. At this point, "the Darlington Refurbishment project team is carrying out the intricate process of reconnecting Unit 2 to the plant and returning it to service for Ontario."

The project, which involved 22 million man-hours of labor, has been carried through on budget, with 95 percent of the tasks completed. In that time, the plant recorded one on-site accident that led to time off.

Unit 3 refurbishment is on track to commence in the second quarter of this year, starting with unit shutdown followed by outage work, which will involve fuel channel replacement.

By the end of the fourth quarter, the project team completed 98 percent of design engineering for Unit 3 refurbishment, and planning and readiness activities were underway as scheduled.

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