Gemini Containers Return To Service At Sellafield

After extensive testing and refurbishment, the first active shipment of legacy waste drums from Magnox Harwell to Sellafield has been completed using the NDA’s Type B Gemini container fleet following a multi-million pound refurbishment, UK Sellafield said this week.

Sellafield waste projectAround 800 concrete-lined drums of Intermediate Level Waste will be transferred over the next three years for interim safe storage at Sellafield under the project, which forms a critical part of the NDA’s Nuclear Materials Transfer (NMT) program, ahead of eventual disposal in a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).

As part of Nuclear Waste Services’ Type B program, the three-strong Gemini fleet of specialist packages spent two years in France with ORANO NPS undergoing a condition assessment and refurbishment before undergoing extensive Site Acceptance Testing at Sellafield and Harwell to ensure their readiness for a return to service.

The Gemini fleet was brought back into service specifically for its role in this project said Steve Chester, NWS Type B Program Manager. He called the launch of shipments a major milestone for the NDA Site Decommissioning and National Waste Management Strategy, its Nuclear Material Transfer Program, and for NWS’s Type B Packaging Program.

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