After extensive testing and refurbishment, the first active shipment of legacy waste drums from Magnox Harwell to Sellafield has been completed using the NDA’s Type B Gemini container fleet following a multi-million pound refurbishment, UK Sellafield said this week.
Around 800 concrete-lined drums of Intermediate Level Waste will be transferred over the next three years for interim safe storage at Sellafield under the project, which forms a critical part of the NDA’s Nuclear Materials Transfer (NMT) program, ahead of eventual disposal in a Geological Disposal Facility (GDF).
As part of Nuclear Waste Services’ Type B program, the three-strong Gemini fleet of specialist packages spent two years in France with ORANO NPS undergoing a condition assessment and refurbishment before undergoing extensive Site Acceptance Testing at Sellafield and Harwell to ensure their readiness for a return to service.
The Gemini fleet was brought back into service specifically for its role in this project said Steve Chester, NWS Type B Program Manager. He called the launch of shipments a major milestone for the NDA Site Decommissioning and National Waste Management Strategy, its Nuclear Material Transfer Program, and for NWS’s Type B Packaging Program.
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