Dome Placed Atop Kudankulam Unit 3

The dome of the reactor building of Unit 3 has been installed in design position at Kudankulam NPP construction site at India's southern apex, general designer and general contractor Rosatom said.

Kudankulam Unit 3The lifting of metal structure of the reactor building dome began on November 30 at 6-30 local time. Prior to that, the two main parts of the dome - the lower part (Dome-2) and the top (Dome-3), had been pre-assembled on the ground. The assembled structure was raised to the height of 62 meters by heavy crane Liebherr LR 11350 and installed in the design position. The operation lasted for 1 hour 15 minutes, the total weight of the structure is 281.6 tons, and its weight with the rigging is 304.92 tons.

The use of technology of pre-assembly on the ground and installation of one structure instead of two, made it possible to reduce the duration of construction and installation works at the reactor building by almost one month. Placing the dome in the design position ensures the possibility of establishment of the finishing installation area for the main coolant pipeline . Works for coupling of the pipeline are currently under way.

“We share our experience and our technologies with our partners, we perform the necessary training and fulfill all the undertaken obligations”, said Andrey Lebelev, Vice President of ASE JSC for Projects in India. “This allows us to be confident in the quality of our products and services, maintain the trust-based relations and remain the global leader in the application of Russian technologies at power units built abroad.”

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