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**Please Note Do Not Post Jobs Here, Jobs Should Be Posted on the Jobs Board**
How to Post a New Job Listing
Once you have logged in click on the Jobs link that will take you to the Jobs Listing
On the left hand side of the page you will see a box titled Employers and a listing for “Post a New Job” – click on that linkPost a New JobNote: Please be sure to fill out all the fields that have an asterisk, these are required fields.
For each position that you are posting, list only ONE location, if you have multiple locations, please fill out multiple postings. This will ensure that those who apply, apply for the right position in the right location.
Application URL: this field is used when you require that applicants fill out an application on your website. Copy and paste the URL into this field, this will ensure that the applicants will be redirected to your specific site.
Job Type: Please specify if your job is full time or part time. If your job is for an Outage or contract time, use the fields below to list the time frame you are searching for.
Job Description: This is the place to list the description for your job.
To Copy and Paste Directly from a Word Document:
Look for the clipboard icon under the Jobs Description header.
Click on the icon that has a W in blue on it, it is the 3rd from the left.
Once you click this icon, you can paste your description from your word document.
To Insert An Image:
Under the same Job Description header, look for the Image icon. Once you click the icon, a search box will come up. Search for your image and select insert. This will place the image in your text.
Contact Email/Phone/Fax: This will be the person that applicants can contact if they would like to receive more information.
Once you have filled out all the information, click Post Job, (found on the lower left corner) and that’s it! Your job is posted.