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Comanche Peak Units 3 & 4
Licensing Status: Scheduled Dependent on DC Review
Site: Existing Site Comanche Peak
Reactor: United States Advanced Pressurized Water Reactor (US-APWR)
Projected Online: 2016 – 2017
In the News: Comanche Peak Units 3 & 4
NRC Application Review Schedule
Key Milestones
Completion Date Actual - A Target - T
Application Tendered
09/19/08 - A
Acceptance Review
Acceptance Review Start
09/22/08 - A
Docketing Decision Letter Issued/Acceptance Review Complete
12/02/08 - A
Review Schedule Established/Schedule Letter Issued to Applicant
03/16/09 - A
Safety Review
Phase 1 - Requests for Additional Information (RAIs) Issued to Applicant
10/09/09 - A
Phase 2 - SER with Open Items issued
06/24/11 - T
Phase 3 - ACRS Review of SER with Open Items Complete
11/02/11 - T
Phase 4 - Advanced SER with no Open Items Issued
06/11 - T*
Phase 5 - ACRS Review of SER with no Open Items Complete
09/11 - T*
Phase 6 - Final SER Issued
12/11 - T*
Environmental Review
Phase 1 - Environmental impact statement (EIS) summary report issued
07/02/09 - A
Phase 2 - Draft EIS Complete
08/06/10 - A
Phase 3 - Public Comment Period for DEIS ends
10/27/10 - A
Phase 4 - Final EIS issued
05/23/11 - T
Commission or ASLB hold mandatory hearing
Commission decision on issuance of COL application
* On May 28, 2010, the NRC staff revised the schedules for Phases 2 and 3. In this letter, the NRC staff stated that it will examine the schedule impact on Phases 4 , 5, and 6 milestones when the status and complexity of open items are better understood.
Additional information can be found at